Victory! SeaSol defeats vile landlord abusing deaf family

This tenant support campaign was close to many of our hearts, as Yosandri has been a friend to SeaSol for over a decade. When Yosandri’s family friend N (a longtime SeaSol member) let us know during a meeting that Yosandri’s landlord had been horribly abusing his family, we offered tenant support. 

The landlord, Vincenzo Pepe (“Nino el Asqueroso”), was doing nightmarishly terrible things to his tenants. He thought he could get away with his misdeeds because his tenants are Spanish speakers, immigrants, and/or because some tenants are deaf. This evil landlord:

  • threateningly toted hunting guns around the property
  • entered their home and stole their food repeatedly
  • used a young child as an interpreter to threaten illegal eviction to the deaf adults in the house, using foul language and swearing
  • used the tenants’ water to wash his boat, then substantially overcharged them for utilities 
  • shut off the washing machine and dryer
  • shut off the family’s hot water out of cruelty in winter, and eventually shut off all the water and power to their home 
  • moved himself into their house to try to make a case to evict them more easily
  • stood outside their windows and took pictures of them
  • poured gasoline around their home one night
  • placed an unidentified white powder and various smelly items around the inside of their house to scare them

SeaSol came alongside Yosandri’s family and got them in touch with pro bono lawyers, who helped them address Nino’s abuse (shout-out to P, who went above and beyond to help!). SeaSol provided the family with mutual aid when Nino escalated his abuse, and did an in-person demand delivery to get Nino to turn the hot water back on in their home for a time.

With many members’ great effort and persistence, SeaSol won this fight! We celebrated victory because Yosandri and his family have moved into a new apartment, and are out of Nino’s abusive reach. Nino was forced to: 

  1. pay the family back the security deposit he had illegally collected, 
  2. acknowledge that the family did not owe the bogus utility bills he had been trying to collect, and 
  3. pay the family a “cash for keys” agreement of $4,000. 

Although these wins didn’t undo Nino’s many crimes against their family, we consider the fact that Yosandri and his family walked away from this situation with a cashier’s check for $4,000 from Nino and are now safely living in a new apartment: a HUGE victory. 

Fight Update: Merchant’s Cafe Closed!

Seattle Solidarity is shocked but not surprised that the owner of Merchant’s Cafe and Saloon, Darcy Hanson, closed down the restaurant abruptly and fired all workers at the end of 2024. After a flurry of online activity, Darcy said the bar is being closed “temporarily” under the guise of “renovations”. News articles reference that the space has outdated electrical systems and nonfunctional refrigeration equipment1 , although no permits have been filed according to Seattle Services Portal2.

‘“I had to let everyone go, it was pretty sudden,” says Anthony Powell, a supervisor and manager at Merchant’s. “I just told everyone: ‘work ‘til the end of the year and that’s it.’’1

The building certainly needs the refurbishment, earning only an “okay” rating from King County Health Department, which cited the restaurant for not adhering to “raw meats below and away from ready to eat food” (gross), not “having a trained food manager onsite” (yikes), and not “using or storing correct sanitizers” (eww) for cleaning, among other citations (June 2024).3 According to a complaint in August 2024, food is no longer even prepared onsite and there is no cook employed at the cafe4 (oof)

After 24 activists delivered the demand letter in September, Seasol and community members have:

  • Taped hundreds and hundreds of posters from September through December to ask the community to boycott Merchant’s Cafe and pressure Darcy Hanson into paying the stolen tips. Posters like this one, this one, or this one.
  • Held four actions handing out leaflets to passersby, including many unfortunate interactions with drunk post-game sports fans.
    • The risk of spiked drinks is so prevalent that one bar-goer told us, “if you haven’t been roofied at Merchant’s, did you even go there?”
  • Put up posters around Darcy’s neighborhood in Bothell to alert the neighbors to a transphobic rape apologist in their area. Posters like this one.
  • Sent postcards to Darcy’s neighbors letting them know about the transphobic rape apologist in their neighborhood

We certainly hope that this bar stays closed! It’s not safe for workers, LGBTQ+ people, or the community at large. If Darcy Hanson does decide to re-open, continue to boycott this shameful restaurant and tell everyone you know!




4Per documents received through a public disclosure request (Washington Public Records Act RCW 42.56)

Wage Theft and Worker Abuse at Royal India/Dastoor Update

Seattle Solidarity Network is excited to showcase the wins we have amassed over the past year and a half of active boycott and protest:

  • Since starting the fight in March 2023, Seasol has held 43 pickets (and counting) at Royal India/Dastoor, decimating their business in both Kirkland and Lynnwood.
  • We destroyed their business so much that after being shut down by the Fire Department for public safety in March 2024, Royal India Kirkland decided it was too much trouble to re-open.
  • Seasol spilled ALL the tea to Seattle Times to highlight the states’ top wage thief. This caused the restaurant to change their name to Dastoor to try to get away from their terrible history – it has not worked because they barely have any business any more!
  • When illegally keeping the restaurant open without a working refrigerator, Seasol activists called Public Health of Seattle & King County repeatedly to hold them accountable for illegal operation until they finally closed.
  • Pressured the Attorney General to open an investigation into the blatant wage theft, and they did.

Over the course of our fight, Seasol has reduced Royal India to a single location, forced them to change their name in shame, and surrounded them with a community that is too embarrassed to enter their doors. Seattle Solidarity will always show up for workers, and workers can wield their collective power against abusive bosses like those at Dastoor/Royal India.

The non-chain restaurant with the most [L&I] complaints was Royal India, with two locations in Lynnwood and Kirkland. Owner Mohammad Rashid Bhatti and manager Aeisha Bhatti have been the subjects of at least 37 wage complaints from workers since 2018. (Ken Lambert / The Seattle Times)

SeaSol starts fighting Darcy Hanson at Merchant’s Cafe!

On Sept 22nd, a group of 24 Seattle Solidarity Network members delivered a simple demand to Merchant’s Cafe and Saloon: pay the missing $200 in tips and $800 in severance pay to their former worker, Shilo. Shilo was subjected to a workplace rife with toxic transphobia and was ultimately fired after facing false accusations in her workplace, such as an “unexcused absence” when she was roofied and violently assaulted after work and missed her next shift. She came to SeaSol for help after this boss fired her and texted her repeatedly blaming her for the sexual assault. 

SeaSol members crowd into Merchant’s Cafe to deliver our demand letter

Transphobic Merchant’s owner Darcy Hanson decided on Monday, Sept 30 that her entire business is worth less than this $1000 she owes to a low-income worker, and is ready to “have her failing business ruined” by our direct action campaigns. Her AirBnBs above the restaurant will certainly also be affected.

We are all looking forward to fighting such a nasty boss and revealing to all of Seattle the horrible things Darcy has said and done. Pioneer Square deserves better than an unethical owner like Darcy Hanson exploiting workers in the neighborhood. With solidarity, Shilo will get her hard earned money and some justice after this terrible experience. 


Do not eat or drink at Merchant’s Cafe until Darcy Hanson pays her former worker!

You may start seeing these posters around.

How we stopped a theft by my dog slum boss

by Sam

This guy Bob (not his real name) was running a doggy daycare business. He was going on a trip and wanted someone to take over while he was gone. I like dogs, and I was fairly broke while I was finishing up my degree, so I took the job.

I was supposed to come at 7am, so I got there at 7am. There was a couple already waiting in their car when I arrived. Apparently they normally got there earlier, which I hadn’t been told. So, I helped them get their dogs in, and they rushed off to their job. Bob hadn’t left any instructions. There were dishes piled in the sink, and a container of bleach on the ground where the dogs were. The place was a mess.

Obviously, I got the bleach up from the floor and I did the dishes etc. I ended up watching about 20 dogs in this small space. It was a single family home with a basement and a yard that the dogs had access to. Bob had a fence that prevented the dogs from coming into the living room and that’s basically it. The yard was filled with dog poop. I quickly learned that the fence was also unsecure, because a small dog escaped on my first day. This dog was a regular and Bob seemed unsurprised and unbothered that the dog got out. At this point, I realized that this may have happened before. Basically, the place hadn’t been cleaned much, the dogs seemed to be unsafe, and it was not the best situation.

Customers were coming all the time and I had no idea when things were happening, so it didn’t feel like I could ever leave. Some of the dogs weren’t picked up until 8 or even 9 pm. A few stayed overnight. Bob told me that I didn’t have to stay overnight, but he didn’t tell the owners that. Some made it clear it was expected, so I stayed over most nights. I was uncompensated for that time, but it did make me feel better not to lie.

I did this for five days. On the fifth day, I had someone dropping off a dog in the morning, and they told me that the dog might be in heat, so I should watch for any weird behavior from the other dogs. They gave me their number. They seemed really nervous about it, and I was really nervous about it too. So, the whole entire day I was watching this dog. There were definitely male dogs following this female dog around. Later in the day, when some other people came to pick up their dogs, I learned that some of these male dogs weren’t neutered.

When the female dog’s owner came back to pick up their dog, I explained the situation. After that, they decided to work from home for a while, while their dog was in heat, instead of using the doggy daycare.

When Bob heard that I had been honest with the customer, and that the customer had canceled their booking, he was not pleased. He said I should “just go with the flow” in these situations, because “all you have to do is separate them.” I told him that the way the house was set up, it was impossible to see all the dogs at once, and it would have been compromising my ethics not to be open with the dog owner about the situation. Bob disagreed. He texted, “You shouldn’t be concerned about other people’s animals.” This was surreal coming from a doggy daycare owner.

Then, Bob said something like, if you don’t like the situation you’re dealing with here, then leave. So I was like, alright, awesome. I quit.

Bob paid me for my time up to that point. And then he was like, “oh wait, it would be really cool if you could stay here until tonight so that then my friend can take over. And send me a picture when you leave.” After I sent the picture, he said he’d pay me for that extra time. I didn’t want the dogs to be left alone, so I said okay, sure. I stayed there until that night, then I sent him a picture of me doing a peace sign in front of his house.

The next day I wake up, and he still hasn’t paid me for that extra time. So I was like, “Hey, what’s up? Are you going to pay me for that time?”

His response: “You aren’t getting anything.” At that point I was pretty pissed off.
I was volunteering for SeaSol at the time, so at the following Monday meeting, I told everyone what happened. After explaining the situation, everyone voted to take on the fight. I was super grateful that people wanted to support. At that point, we started strategizing what to do and putting the word out for our first action.

For our action, we all met at a park near Bob’s house, where we distributed a bunch of signs. I think there were about 30 people there. It was really high energy, everyone was excited. At that point, I had been to a few SeaSol actions, but I hadn’t had the experience of solidarity being for me. If I think too hard about it, I tear up– it’s a pretty cool experience. My friends were there, everyone was smiling, and we all marched to his house.

With our fights, there are the smaller actions that happen at the beginning and then they’re escalated. This first action was smaller. It was just meant to be like, hey, we’re here, and this demand letter states something you need to accomplish if you want us to not come here again.

Bob was outside, struggling to start his chainsaw when we arrived. Two SeaSolers had volunteered to deliver the demand letter. They went up to him and asked, “Hey, are you Bob?” And he was like, “Who’s Bob?” I shouted that he was indeed Bob, and he was trying to avoid taking the letter. He kept on avoiding it, so they ended up taping it to the door. The letter gave him two weeks to pay.

We all went back to our meeting spot to debrief, which is something we do after every action. The vibe was celebratory. After our recap and words of encouragement, we all went our separate ways.

Bob emailed SeaSol pretty quickly saying he was consulting a lawyer and planning to sue us. He thought he was going to scare us.

In the end, I got paid in two weeks- exactly at the deadline. So everything turned out really well. But yeah, it was just probably the weirdest thing that’s happened to me recently.

A lot of us have to deal with bosses every day, and some of them are way crazier than others. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised. But it’s nice to have the support.
Solidarity forever!