Category Archives: Fight Update

Panama Hotel pickets continue

SeaSol has been supporting the campaign by the recently formed Olympia Solidarity Network (OlySol) against Jan Johnson, owner of rental properties in Olympia and the Panama Hotel in Seattle. While living under Jan Johnson’s iron heel OlySol members Scott and Patty have had to endure an antiquated septic system that Ms. Johnson habitually allowed to be overfilled, thus venting human waste throughout their yard. This in turn led to mold and rats, and a strong likelihood of the building being condemned.

Now Scott and Patty are fighting back for relocation assistance (three months rent and their full deposit) and reimbursement for out of pocket costs they suffered in trying to deal with the septic problem themselves. As Jan Johnson’s primary business is the Panama Hotel and Tea House in Seattle, we have been organizing ongoing pickets as a part of the OlySol campaign that we’re hoping will put more pressure on Jan to make a movement and clean up her filthy business with Patty and Scott once and for all.

Talks break down as Lorig demands permanent gag on future abuses

Three months of offers and counter-offers between developer Lorig Associates and SeaSol seem to be ending in failure. The sticking point: Lorig’s insistence on a permanent license to engage in predatory and/or racist behavior against workers, tenants, and communities in the future, without ever facing any form of criticism from SeaSol.

Gaining this extreme form of protection is apparently very important to Lorig–so much so that Chief Operating Officer Tom Fitzsimmons (who you may remember from our last face-to-face Lorig negotiation) has been personally calling ex-receptionist Patricia at her home and dangling the prospect of thousands of dollars in compensation in front of her (“We have the papers drawn up and the check ready for you!”), if only SeaSol will sign their permanent, blanket gag agreement.

Our answer: never. Unlike Tom Fitzsimmons, we have integrity and basic principles to uphold. SeaSol has never granted any employer or landlord a blanket protection to carry out unjust practices in the future without fear of repercussion. If Lorig is unwilling to come to a reasonable agreement, we must be prepared to carry on and step up our efforts at pushing individuals and institutions to cease doing business with this company. If necessary, we may have to proceed all the way to the trial in 2011, where we will beat back their ridiculous lawsuit in a manner that is as public and as costly to them as possible. If Lorig chooses this course, they will still end up with no immunity whatsoever from future criticism and protest.

Can you spare a dime for a developer in need?

Bruce Lorig, CEO and owner of Lorig Associates, has fallen on hard times. So desperate is his need for money, he has been forced to sue his own former receptionist, Patricia, and the rest of Seattle Solidarity Network in hopes of squeezing a little money out of us after we protested racism at his company. Instead of bringing relief, this lawsuit has impoverished the developer even further, as the law firm he has hired piles on endless fees while promising him results that never come.

Beginning in March, we launched the LorigAid campaign–a monthly series of charity bake sales asking passersby, “please spare a dime for a developer in need.” At the first, festive LorigAid charity bake sale, we collected a lovely jar of change (and a few pebbles), jingled many cans, gave away many cupcakes, and sang a song composed specially for the event:

Won’t you please help Bruce Lorig?
He has fallen on hard times
He has to sue his former secretary
So won’t you spare a dime?

The full song is available for download. (mp3)

We got covered in the Belltown Messenger, and we hope Bruce appreciated the coins we delivered to him a few weeks later, which we estimate should buy about 3 billable minutes from his lawyers.

What’s next for LorigAid? On April 29th, we will be holding our second bake sale and soliciting change for Lorig outside the offices of their “preferred lender,” Bank of America. Like many people, the bankers may be wondering, “Why is Lorig so desperate for money?” To help them understand, we will be sharing information about Lorig’s many recent business problems, from empty condos to stalled and canceled projects to discrimination and nasty lawsuits. If Bank of America (understandably) no longer sees Lorig as a good investment, perhaps out of charity they can still spare a dime for this impoverished developer. Drop by701 5th Ave around 12pm to take a fresh-baked snack and donate a penny, a nickel, or a dime – whatever you can spare.

Lorig Sues to Silence SeaSol!

In an attempt to gag our ongoing anti-discrimination protests, the real estate company Lorig Associates has launched a lawsuit against Seattle Solidarity Network. Their lawyers are the notorious union-busting firm Jackson Lewis. They are attempting to get an injunction to prevent SeaSol from participating in any activity that “disparages Lorig” in any way, as well as seeking unspecified damages. The first court date will be next Tuesday, November 24th. SeaSol is a volunteer organization whose members are working people with no assets – what damages do they hope to sue us for? We will not allow Lorig to use their wealth and legal clout to bully us into silence.

Return to Olympia City Council: Parking project canceled for now

On Tuesday SeaSol returned to Olympia City Council, joined by many Olympia supporters. After a short picket outside the Council entrance, several SeaSol supporters (including Patricia herself) spoke during the Council session about Patricia’s ordeal at the hands of Lorig Associates, and why Olympia should not pick Lorig as their contractor to build a multi million dollar parking garage. When the parking development item came up for a decision, mayor Doug Mah made an unexpected turnaround and came out against doing the parking garage at all (for the present), despite having pushed last week to rush forward with the project and pick a developer as soon as possible. The Council agreed to postpone the parking project indefinitely, citing the “economic downturn”. Here are some of the highlights of the City Council session: