Category Archives: Fight Update

Can you spare a dime for a developer in need?

Bruce Lorig, CEO and owner of Lorig Associates, has fallen on hard times. So desperate is his need for money, he has been forced to sue his own former receptionist, Patricia, and the rest of Seattle Solidarity Network in hopes of squeezing a little money out of us after we protested racism at his company. Instead of bringing relief, this lawsuit has impoverished the developer even further, as the law firm he has hired piles on endless fees while promising him results that never come.

Beginning in March, we launched the LorigAid campaign–a monthly series of charity bake sales asking passersby, “please spare a dime for a developer in need.” At the first, festive LorigAid charity bake sale, we collected a lovely jar of change (and a few pebbles), jingled many cans, gave away many cupcakes, and sang a song composed specially for the event:

Won’t you please help Bruce Lorig?
He has fallen on hard times
He has to sue his former secretary
So won’t you spare a dime?

The full song is available for download. (mp3)

We got covered in the Belltown Messenger, and we hope Bruce appreciated the coins we delivered to him a few weeks later, which we estimate should buy about 3 billable minutes from his lawyers.

What’s next for LorigAid? On April 29th, we will be holding our second bake sale and soliciting change for Lorig outside the offices of their “preferred lender,” Bank of America. Like many people, the bankers may be wondering, “Why is Lorig so desperate for money?” To help them understand, we will be sharing information about Lorig’s many recent business problems, from empty condos to stalled and canceled projects to discrimination and nasty lawsuits. If Bank of America (understandably) no longer sees Lorig as a good investment, perhaps out of charity they can still spare a dime for this impoverished developer. Drop by701 5th Ave around 12pm to take a fresh-baked snack and donate a penny, a nickel, or a dime – whatever you can spare.

Lorig Sues to Silence SeaSol!

In an attempt to gag our ongoing anti-discrimination protests, the real estate company Lorig Associates has launched a lawsuit against Seattle Solidarity Network. Their lawyers are the notorious union-busting firm Jackson Lewis. They are attempting to get an injunction to prevent SeaSol from participating in any activity that “disparages Lorig” in any way, as well as seeking unspecified damages. The first court date will be next Tuesday, November 24th. SeaSol is a volunteer organization whose members are working people with no assets – what damages do they hope to sue us for? We will not allow Lorig to use their wealth and legal clout to bully us into silence.

Return to Olympia City Council: Parking project canceled for now

On Tuesday SeaSol returned to Olympia City Council, joined by many Olympia supporters. After a short picket outside the Council entrance, several SeaSol supporters (including Patricia herself) spoke during the Council session about Patricia’s ordeal at the hands of Lorig Associates, and why Olympia should not pick Lorig as their contractor to build a multi million dollar parking garage. When the parking development item came up for a decision, mayor Doug Mah made an unexpected turnaround and came out against doing the parking garage at all (for the present), despite having pushed last week to rush forward with the project and pick a developer as soon as possible. The Council agreed to postpone the parking project indefinitely, citing the “economic downturn”. Here are some of the highlights of the City Council session:

Lorig-requested negotiation ends after bullying of receptionist

On Friday, October 16th, Patricia, Lee, Andrew, and C met with two executives from Lorig Associates–Tom Fitzsimmons (who had received our initial demand letter) and Alison Lorig (Bruce’s daughter).

Fitzsimmons had called to schedule a meeting directly after we picketed a Newcastle, WA city council meeting.

As expected, this conflict was not settled at the meeting. But one thing was settled – Tom Fitzsimmons and Lorig Associates are snakes. Tom first insisted that he wanted to “understand the situation from Patricia’s perspective” before discussing a possible settlement, and then he started questioning her. This seemed to be a ploy to get Patricia to say things that could be damaging to herself. After stepping out of the room to talk it over, we went back in and Patricia briefly told her story, sticking to the facts and not allowing Tom to be the interrogator. After she finished, we tried to move the discussion to talk of a settlement, but Tom insisted we hear their side of the story from Alison. We stared at her as she shakily delivered a corporate PR statement. Patricia corrected some of the most obvious inaccuracies along the way.

Tom restated what he had said over the phone, that Lorig would not be willing to pay the full year’s salary, as we had initially demanded, but that he understood Patricia was willing to negotiate. He then took on a slightly demented look.

Tom: “Lorig is a compassionate company!” He pointed at Patricia. “You stole four thousand dollars from the company! You stole it. You misused a credit card….We could have charged her with a felony… I’m only trying to get the point out about our compassion. We care about you…
Patricia: “That’s bullshit.
Tom: “So, our compassion that was behind that, is here today.
Patricia: “So our next point is?
Tom: “We’re offering you two thousand five hundred dollars to support training for you, to upgrade your skills or to sharpen your skills, and to help you get into the workplace.

He was a lot like this:

Needless to say, at that point we stood up and left. The offer was paternalistic and insulting, especially combined with Tom’s attempt to bully Patricia with an outrageous (and false) accusation of theft.

Patricia and the rest of us left the building feeling more motivated than ever to keep getting out there and fighting these disgusting corporate slimebags. Actions are ongoing. Get in touch to join the effort!